finding space: a mindful life - Nesting Space LLC blog

finding space: a mindful life, photos of Hannah Lowe Corman and Emily Souder

finding space: a mindful life

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In mid-January, Hannah Lowe Corman and I launched our Facebook group, finding space: a mindful life. Here’s a the backstory.

You know when something just “clicks”?

Towards the end of 2018, I stood in the parking lot of a local coffee shop holding a chai latte. I was chatting on the phone for the second time with Hannah, a woman I had never met in person, but whom I had met through the MotherHustle panel. She and I were brainstorming. We felt called to work together, and we were trying to figure out what exactly that would look like. Both having backgrounds in mindfulness, we knew that would be a huge part of whatever it was we chose. Hannah suggested a Facebook group, and after several hundred texts, e-mails, thought bubbles, and creative bursts later, finding space: a mindful life was born. Even though we had to do some planning, it just clicked.

Hannah and I are both moms of young kids, both entrepreneurs. We have both experienced the push and pull of growing a business in a world where you can easily get caught up in doing all the things- the workshops, the webinars, the courses- to feel like you’re being productive. We wanted off that merry-go-round. It’s so easy to forget to tune into yourself and your inner knowing, as well as what is going on in the present moment. So. What could we offer instead of that? A space. A space for learning, practice, experimenting, and tuning in. A place for community.

Mindfulness, the practice of turning your awareness to the present moment, can contribute to us becoming less reactive to the ups and downs of daily life, can decrease stress, and can increase feelings of contentment and acceptance.

Although it’s simple, it’s not always easy. We’re human. We’re not going to get it right every time. And that’s okay! Mindfulness is a practice, and Hannah and I have created a space for practicing. We aim to have two regular posts each week (Hannah posts meditations on Mondays, I post discussion topics on Thursdays), with the goal of not making this feel like another thing you need to do. We also are tuned in to the idea that we will learn from those who join the group — it’s not a one-way street!

Hannah and I are excited to welcome you into our group! Come as you are, where you are. It’s a great time to start.

Learning About Mindfulness

Many years ago, my husband and I participated in an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. It was incredible. We still use many of the tools we learned. Some of them are tools I will pass along to you! Another important way that I continue to learn about mindfulness is through reading on my own. I’ve always enjoyed that sort of self-paced education, and not surprisingly, there are tons of book options!

Below are a couple of my favorite mindfulness books.

The first is a mindfulness book that I’ve owned for many years. It’s a great mindfulness primer, breaking down concepts so as to be easily digested. The next focuses on marriage, while the last explores parenting. All have helped me deepen my relationship with mindfulness and continue on the path of spreading it through my life, wherever I can. You might recognize the name of one of the authors- Jon Kabat-Zinn is extremely well-known for his contributions in the field of mindfulness. He makes the concepts so relatable, and the below book that he wrote with his wife is no exception.

The included links are Amazon affiliate links. This means that by shopping through these links, while there is no additional cost to you, I may make a small commission.

Wherever You Go There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn
If the Buddha Married: Creating Enduring Relationships on a Spiritual Path by Charlotte Kasl

Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn